Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Pop Up Reusable Wipes

One of the convenient things about disposable wipes is that they can go in a pop up container.  If you're using reusable wipes you can also make your wipes pop up.

I use a wipe warmer.  It has been nice now that the weather is colder.  If you don't have a wipes warmer,  you can also use one of those plastic containers that comes with disposable wipes.

What I did was fold the wipes so they slightly overlap each other.  Then when you pull out a wipe it sticks to the next wipe and pulls it out.  Sometimes if you overlap them too much, the next wipe will come out too much.  You'll have to experiment with your wipes and figure what works best for you.

Here is how I did it.
Start with one wipe.  I will call this wipe A.  It helps to have wipes that are all the same size.  You can do it with different sized wipes too.  It is just a little trickier.

Then place the second wipe (wipe B) on top of the first but you leave a lip of the bottom wipe visible.  This is the part you will fold.

Then fold.

Then place the next wipe (wipe C) on top of those two.  If your wipes are the same size, line up the edge of wipe C to the unfolded edge of the wipe A.

Then fold

Keep placing wipes on top and folding.

You will end up with something that looks like this.
Just keep placing and folding wipes until you have the number you want.
Then I wet them.  I just use water.  You can use homemade wipes solution if you want.  I will put some recipes at the bottom.

After wetting the wipes, just put them into your container and pop up the first wipe.  It is pretty easy and only take a couple minutes to do.

Here is what it looks like coming out of the box.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Diaper Covers For All

We have been traveling with baby for a couple weeks. While traveling we've been using our diapers covers over the disposable diapers and it has been great.
I had never really thought about it before, but one day while I was out, I changed baby out of her cloth diaper into a disposable. I put the diaper cover back on her so I wouldn't have to carry it. Well it ended up being a great thing. Baby had a big blowout and the disposable leaked but not on to her clothes.
Since then I put one on her every time I have her in a disposable. It has been really nice while traveling since it is a lot harder to do laundry.  The diapers don't usually leak, so you can reuse the cover A LOT before it needs to be washed.  (I usually do the smell test to see if it needs to be washed).  Also they are way cuter than disposables ;)

We have a variety of covers, but my favorites are Rumparoos. They are one-size. That means that they can be adjusted to fit almost any sized baby up to 30 lbs. There are a lot of really cute designs.

There are so many cute designs (like this one I found on Etsy).  This is also a one-size.

There are also covers that use velcro instead of snaps.  This one is a Thirsties.  It is not one-size.

So even if you don't do cloth diapers, these diaper covers can come in really handy.  I know they have really been great to have over the past couple weeks.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

DIY Fleece Diaper Liners

I was having a lot of trouble with Hailey's cloth diapers and diaper rash.  I use cotton prefolds, and they are GREAT! But Hailey was getting diaper rash all of the time.  I learned that you should not use diaper rash cream (especially not Desitin) with the prefolds.  The Desitin will make them smell fishy... icky.  I didn't know what to do.  Well... I discovered fleece diaper liners!  They are so great.  I originally started using them so I could use diaper rash cream.  If you put a fleece liner in the diaper, you can use any cream you like.  Just wash the liner separately from the diaper, and you are fine.  But the added bonus was that I could start just using the fleece liner with no diaper rash cream, and the diaper rash hasn't come back!!  It has been great.  So now I use these every time I change her, and I rarely have diaper rash problems.  I wash the liners with my diapers, and they are holding up great.  The best thing about them is that they are super easy and cheap to make.

What I did was take some fleece I had (got it from the remnant bin at Joann's).  I cut it in to strips.  Mine were 3in x 11in but you could make them any size you like.  That's it!  Fleece doesn't unravel, so you don't have to hem them or anything like that.  Very easy and so great for my little girl's butt.  I've been using mine now for about 2 months.

I decided to use my serger and make some double layered ones too.

Monday, October 15, 2012


I am definitely not a writer and I generally don't blog about things.  However, many people have asked me about things I have made or found.  I thought posting those things here would make it easy for everyone to see.  Also a place I can find things again since I am so forgetful!